
Provide a content preview for users to see on the app.

What is a Listing?

A listing is the content preview that users see on the app. The content name and description is presented along with media that you add in Themes & Assets.

How do I create a Listing?

When setting up the listing, the following details can be added:

  • Name. Up to 128 characters

  • Feature / Promotional Text. A short summary of your content (73 / 128 characters).

  • Full Description. Long description of your content.

  • Tags. Up to 5 tags (used to optimise the app search).

  • Spoken Language. Specify which language the content is presented in.

  • Explicit Content. Declare whether the content is explicit. Choose No (All Ages), Somewhat (16 and Over), or Yes (10 and Over).

If any of your episodes contain explicit content, you must set this option to "Yes". If adding from a podcast or from YouTube, this will automatically be determined. Even if only one episode contains explicit content, you must select "Yes". For more info, please read the YouTube guidelines here and refer to general podcast guidelines here .

Choose to enable comments and reviews.

Publish to Pathway Only (Experimental)

  • On. Content will only available on the Pathway(s) to which it has been added, and will not be available on the Discover section of the app.

  • Off. Content will be available on the Discover section of the app and on the Pathway(s) to which it has been added.

Last updated