Publish from Authoring

Publish content from Authoring.

How to publish content in Authoring

  1. Create a Listing.

  2. Adjust the Settings (as required).

  3. Select the Targeting options.

  4. Publish. Once the Listing, Theme & Assets, and Targeting have been defined, select STORY from the top menu and then select PUBLISH.

Re-publish a story ever time changes are made.

What happens before publishing?

Build Version. A new Build version is recorded every time content is published. The content must be below 100MB.

Analysis. The estimated content reading time is calculated.

Story Listing & Assets. A theme and related assets must be added to a listing.

Publishing Target. The groups (audience) and app must be selected.

What can I publish from Authoring?

Publish to Pathway only

When you create content in Authoring you can choose to Publish to Pathway Only. This means that the content will not be published to the app as stand-alone content, but can only be accessed in a Pathway.


Re-publishing a Live Story

To publish changes made to a live story, simply go through the publishing process again.

If your users are busy with a live story and you make changes, they may have to go back and complete, for example, a new activity you have added.

Avoid making major story changes after publishing. Remember to simulate and check everything thoroughly before you publish.

Last updated